
Conscious Parasite Cleanse - GROUP


Take ownership of your well-being with the support of a group
Our group cleanse is our most popular choice and for good reason. There’s an undeniable force in having other people go through the same process with you. Imagine getting answers to questions you’ve never thought of. Or realizing you share similar health challenges (and learning the solutions). Our groups are designed to support you, encourage you, and anchor in new healthy habits. On top of our group guidance, you get the benefit of expert guest speakers coming in to share their knowledge with you on a variety of health-related topics. Join the Conscious Parasite Group Cleanse and receive the support of many on your journey to well-being.

  • Full support on your detox journey by peers, expert guest speakers, and your main facilitators Iris and Eva
  • A deeper awareness of how your body works and what you can do to support it better
  • Improve your relationship with food, your body, and your mind
  • Learn how to take ownership of your health that will benefit you long after the group programme
  • Meet a more energetic, vibrant and powerful you
  • 10-day program with a group of limited participants
  • 1:1 private 60min health consultation
  • Daily guidance and prompts through WhatsApp
  • Mini Human Design digestive system reading
  • Frequent Zoom calls with Q&As and deep insights on topics such as gut-microbiome, human design, parasites, nutrition and more
  • Mini masterclasses by guest speakers on breathwork, yoga, emotional regulation and more.
  • Full access to your own Conscious Parasite Cleanse platform which includes further research, reference videos, recaps, and support guides.

Join the Conscious Parasite Group Cleanse on one of the following dates:

  • Nov 18, 2024
  • Dec  2, 2024

A Full Moon 5 Days Cleanse - Unleash your Parasites


Full Moon is the best time for a Parasite Cleanse

Our Unleash your Parasites Cleanse gives you a flavor of how our signature 10 days Conscious Cleanse is designed. Regard this as a mini course if you’ve always wanted to join us but could not yet commit to a longer duration or invest in budget. Unleash your Parasites is a special edition course that also invites you to recleanse with us if you are a frequent detoxer and need our group accountability to push through.

  • Full support on your detox journey by peers, and your main facilitators Iris and Eva
  • Knowing how to improve your well-being with access to detox tools to cleanse at any time by yourself
  • A deeper awareness of how your body works and what you can do to better support it
  • Improve your relationship with food, your body, and your mind
  • Learn how to take ownership of your health that will benefit you long after the detox
  • Meet a more energetic, vibrant version of you
  • 5-day program with a group of limited participants
  • Daily guidance and prompts through WhatsApp
  • Frequent Zoom calls with Q&As and deep insights on topics such as gut-microbiome, parasites, and nutrition 
  • Full access to your own Full Moon Parasite Cleanse platform which includes further research, reference videos, recaps, and support guides.

Join the Full Moon 5 Days Cleanse – Unleash Your Parasites on one of the following dates:

  • Oct 14,2024

Conscious 10 Days Parasite Cleanse - SELF GUIDE


Kickstart your health revolution
Our self-guide is meant for people with a tighter budget but also for those who thrive on figuring out their own path – with a little nudge in the right direction. It’s an easy-to-follow guide that will take you through all the detox phases to help you eliminate toxins and parasites and rebuild healthy habits.

  • Knowing how to improve your well-being with access to detox tools to cleanse at any time by yourself
  • A deeper awareness of how your body works and what you can do to better support it
  • Improve your relationship with food, your body, and your mind
  • Learn how to take ownership of your health that will benefit you long after the detox
  • Meet a more energetic, vibrant version of you
  • An easy step-by-step guide that supports you through a pre-tox, detox, and a post-detox phase
  • Full access to your own Conscious Parasite Cleanse platform which includes further research, reference videos, and support guides.

A Full Moon 5 Days Cleanse - Unleash your Parasites - SELF GUIDE


Full Moon is the best time for a Parasite Cleanse

Our Unleash your Parasites Cleanse gives you a flavor of how our signature 10 days Conscious Cleanse is designed. Regard this as a mini course if you’ve always wanted to join us but could not yet commit to a longer duration or invest in budget. Unleash your Parasites is a special edition course that also invites you to recleanse with us if you are a frequent detoxer and need our group accountability to push through.

  • Full E Book and access to our online detox platform
    •⁠ ⁠Knowing how to improve your well-being with access to detox tools to cleanse at any time by yourself
  • A deeper awareness of how your body works and what you can do to better support it
  • ⁠Improve your relationship with food, your body, and your mind
  • ⁠Learn how to take ownership of your health that will benefit you long after the detox
  • ⁠Meet a more energetic, vibrant version of you
  • ⁠5-day self paced program
  • ⁠Daily recorded guidance
  • ⁠Recorded Zoom calls with Q&As and deep insights on topics such as gut-microbiome, parasites, nutrition and guest speakers
  • ⁠Full access to your own Full Moon Parasite Cleanse platform which includes further research, reference videos, recaps, and support guides.

A 5 days cleanse with the power of enzyms - GUIDED by Iris

€99 For Guidance

This 5 days Self Guide intestinal and colon cleanse has the power to clear plaque from the body by adding an enzyme kit to the center of the cleanse.
Zen One Kit is a power-packed fermented enzyme cleanse kit containing only all-natural and organic ingredients, these enzymes help clear the body of long-term intestinal mucoid plaque:
the contributory source of many possible illnesses. Zen One Kit discharges old waste, absorbs toxins from the intestinal walls, helps regulate and restore intestinal flora, and improves immunity.

Zen One Kit needs to be purchased additionally. Please check website for current price. (

  • ⁠A deeper awareness of how your body works and what you can do to better support it
  • ⁠Improve your relationship with food, your body, soul and mind
  • ⁠Taking ownership of your health that will benefit you long after the detox
  • ⁠Meeting a more energetic, vibrant version of you
  • This detox is fully coached by Iris
  • We offer an intimate group space
  • We connect 3 x over zoom
  • Full support via whatsapp
  • Access to our online platform

Conscious Parasite Cleanse - PRIVATE

Starts from €845

Your coach is with you every step of the way
If you want personal support in every phase of your detox then the Private Cleanse is for you. This is a tailor-made parasite detox specifically for you. We’ll assess your environment, lifestyle, health background, and Human Design to ensure you can take control of your well-being even after our guidance has finished. You also get access to recordings by expert guest speakers and have our founders by your side to navigate you in the best way possible.

  • A tailor-made parasite cleanse that fits into your current lifestyle
  • Private coaching that encompasses Human Design, gut health, nutrition and more.
  • A deeper awareness of how your body works and what you can do to better support it
  • Improve your relationship with food, your body, and your mind
  • Learn how to take ownership of your health that will benefit you long after the detox
  • Meet a more energetic, vibrant version of you
  • Exclusive daily guidance by Eva or Iris
  • Continuous support through Q&As and prompts
  • Access to mini masterclasses by guest speakers on topics such as breathwork, yoga, emotional regulation and more.
  • Full access to your own Conscious Parasite Cleanse platform which includes further research, reference videos, recaps, and support guides.

Conscious Parasite Cleanse - GROUP X2 / X3

€1.249 / 1.949

Set a stronger foundation with 2 or 3 periodic cleanses
We believe that detoxing from parasites should be a recurring process. One where you help your body get rid of toxins and parasites every few months. And although a one-time detox can cause major positive shifts, doing a cleanse periodically lays a stronger foundation for your gut and overall health.

If you’d like to do the Conscious Parasite Group Cleanse more than once, spread out over a maximum of 6 months then you can choose a 2x or 3x cleanse and benefit from 20% off.

Upon payment we’ll send you an email. There you can choose your preferred group cleanse dates over a 6-month period.

Live your most vibrant life by thriving from the inside out

It’s time to release years of damaging toxins from your body. Heal the relationship with your gut and kickstart your inner revolution for a life beyond compare. This is the Conscious Parasite Cleanse.

Something is holding you back from living on a higher frequency

Raise your hand if this is you. You live a full life with beautiful humans and great connections around you. Healthy habits. And an inner knowing of who you are and what your purpose is.

You’ve accessed higher frequencies and states of being before. Whether post-workout, through blissful life events, adventures, being in your power, or through detoxing.

And when you detoxed you experienced varied results. A juice fast, a water fast, a liver cleanse, maybe even a colonic or two. And a few days after achieving that post-cleanse high, the invigorating feeling fades and you’re back to operating at a baseline. But that baseline does not serve you where you want to be going. You feel it and desire something more thorough something that has longevity.

Now, what if there is a way for you to sustain this higher frequency? A way that empowers you to release toxins, acidity and mucoid plaque that has been lingering and holding you back from stepping into your true essence ? A way that has scientific roots and equally allows you to flow with your specific lifestyle and serves your greater goal?

It’s time to let go of anything that does not serve you energetically, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Ready to learn how?

Parasites, the source of trouble.

Parasites. They’re crawling around in you right now. We all have them. Here are the facts: parasites are microorganisms that nest in your body where they cause havoc in a number of ways. They disrupt the balance of your gut microbiome and can lead to inflammation, bloating, and nutrient deficiencies. Parasites weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to other health issues.

But most people are not even aware of their existence. Just their symptoms. So if you’re experiencing chronic fatigue, digestive and gut issues, skin problems or know that there is something blocking you from feeling your absolute best, then there’s a good chance it’s due to parasites. But there is a solution, and one that’s equally empowering, fun, and unlocks new levels of awareness about your well-being.

The Conscious Parasite Cleanse.

A 10-day detox program that supports the whole of you. A holistic approach that – in addition to releasing parasites – also touches on topics such as emotional regulation, human design, lifestyle improvements, and getting you to thrive from the inside out. It’s more of a 10-in-1 type of transformation.

Whether you go through our Group Cleanse, take the Self Guide, or go for private coaching, you choose what’s best for you. The results will undoubtedly surprise you and above all make you feel more aligned with who you want to become.


Unlock key practices to support your highest self.


Tap into a new frequency and root it in your lifestyle.


Guidebooks, masterclasses, powerful insights. You’ll never look at nutrition and well-being through the same lens.

What Our Participants Say?

Frequently Asked Questions

You might have questions coming up before deciding to embark on a parasite detox. Have a look at our most common questions and answers below. Is yours missing? Please contact us here.

How do I know if I need a detox?

Put simply, you need to detox when your body is overloaded with toxins. These toxins present differently in everybody but some common signs include bad skin, having problems with weight and constantly lacking energy. Our bodies actually detoxify naturally, but after constant exposure to toxins, the process can become compromised and our body can struggle to cleanse our organs and tissues properly. Eating a diet that incorporates a lot of meat, dairy and processed or fatty foods can clog the system. Regardless of your diet choices, the state of your detoxification mechanisms and your exposure to toxins (not just food, but chemicals too), just about everyone can benefit from the occasional detox. Think of it as a way to reboot your system, giving your body a fesh start.

When is the best time to start a detox?

A change in season in general is a great time to do a detox. It’s during these times that our body’s requirements change, so doing a week or month-long detox can give you a boost of energy right when you need it. Otherwise, it’s always a good idea to do a detox after a time of consistent overindulgence. On the flip side, there are times where detoxing is not a good idea. Doing a cleanse while you’re pregnant, stressed, sick or still recovering is not recommended.

How will I feel during the detox?

Withdrawing from caffeine and other stimulants isn’t always easy, and you may feel bad withdrawing from some foods as well. This should go away in a few days, and you may decide to do without these things permanently.

Why do I cut out gluten and dairy?

Gluten is particularly hard to digest, and it’s not uncommon for people to feel better when they cut out wheat, barley, and rye, even if they don’t have celiac disease. And it’s not just gluten—other proteins in grains can cause inflammation in the intestine. Inflammation results in a leaky gut wall that allows toxic molecules to pass into the body. People frequently aren’t aware that intolerances to grains or other foods could be responsible for issues they’ve been dealing with, such as migraines, congestion, gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Dairy products contain lactose, a sugar that most people don’t digest very well.

How do we match our schedules?

Great news! The modules in the course are perfectly spaced out so that they will be easy for you to get through without getting overwhelmed. They’re all online and easy to access whenever you have time. Each of the modules are broken up into shorter content and videos so you can get through as you have time.

How will I know if the detox is working?

Everybody is different and the effects of a detox vary. A cleanse works by releasing the toxins and as they work their way out of your body, they can cause a variety of side-effects along the way. It is quite normal to feel worse before you feel better. Sometimes people experience headaches, fatigue, nausea and even flu-like symptoms. Others experience bad skin, stronger smelling sweat and urine or a coating on their tongue that causes bad breath. While these kinds of symptoms are all signs that your body is detoxifying, they can be quite overwhelming, even if they are temporary.

What is not included in the detox?

All food and drinks (including juices) are not provided. We also work with many detox tools to support you in this journey and this purchase is at your own expense too. We also give many suggestions on practices such as yoga, massage or acupuncture. All these appointments are at an extra charge at your own decision.

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