Everything You Need To Know About Parasites


Everything You Need To Know About Parasites

What are parasites?

As long as we breathe we have parasites within us.
They only cause a problem once there is an overgrowth in our body. And this happens very often due to our unnatural lifestyles of majorly stress situations, our overly medicated antibiotic society, processed and unhealthy food choices.

Most of the time, people do not notice that they have an overgrowth. Only when the parasites become the trigger for other diseases we realize that there is something wrong.

These symptoms include:

  • Constipation
  • Malnutrition
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of concentration
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Anal itching 

Infection is possible through water or contaminated food, from person to person or from your pet. 

Parasites are multi cellular, large in scale and difficult to get rid of, because they have a complex life cycle, they are very resilient, and they can lay up to 1 million eggs per day.
There are different types, so you have the pinworm, the roundworm, the flukes and they function all differently.
All these various pathogens function in their own way and you can imagine that we need to have a strong immune system to fight off the bad guys.

Parasites can live up to 30 years

there is this big misconception that parasites only live in our intestine, because they love to hind behind heavy metals, behind the deepest tissues of our muscles, and I had parasites attack my liver last year. You find parasites in everywhere of your body including your brain and that’s why it’s not always reliable to detect them on a stool or blood test.

Egg, larvae, adult

Parasites are very cyclical beings, meaning, when you do a cleanse you only kill of a certain type of life cycle or bunch of family. This needs a follow up by maintaining cleanses regularly to make sure you get the whole bunch out. They are also very resilient so you need to change up your game with working on different herbal tinctures and anti parasitic protocols. Because if you are only on one protocol for months they will actually understand your game and outsmart you.

How do we get them in ?

Most of us do not think of detoxing or strengthening our cells, so we keep on passing genetically weakened tissues, generation after generation. Decades of bad food is how we got ourselves into this mess. 


Trauma is a vibrational match to parasites that allow them to thrive. Every emotion attracts a form of a microbial species that is hosted by a different system, organ, tissue and area where they are able to survive & thrive.

So even if we are following a ‘healthy lifestyle’ are thoughts can still be extremely toxic and this attracts parasites because we are an easy and fragile host. 

Emotional Symptoms

Symptoms such as sleeping irregularities, brainfog, mood changes can all be caused by the toxins released by the parasites into your bloodstream. These toxins could even cause anxiety, which tends to manifest itself in irregular sleeping patterns or teeth grinding.

Parasites are like unwanted guests
parasites are like unwanted guests that use our body as a hotel and don’t move out. it’s warm and has room service. they snack when we snack. but they deprive us from nutrients such as vit A, B12, iron and zinc. zinc bolsters the immune system which is a threat to parasites. robbing the zinc secures them a spot in the presidential suite.

Foods to introduce or to avoid

Refined, processed foods, dairy products, animal proteins. Eat more raw garlic, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates, beets, and carrots, papaya, especially papaya seeds all of which have been used traditionally to kill parasites.

Ultimately you need to change your terrain, your inner body environment into a more alkaline state to guarantee that parasites do not come back.

Are you interested to find out more ? Watch our Zoom Class on all things parasites


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